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City of Glass Illustrated Book Cover


To create an illustrated book cover that focuses on typography.

Illustrator | InDesign


I chose City of Glass by Cassandra Clare for this project as I wanted to explore making a dust jacket for this book. To start I researched different fonts and art styles focusing on typography. I created thumbnails of concepts and in illustrator started creating the buildings out of letters, adding blocks of highlight to make them appear 3D and shiny like glass. I created a night time background with stars and a moon to help with the contrast of the buildings. After creating the background, and buildings I brought them into inDesign to lay out the remaining text and elements needed in the cover. I printed and mocked up my physical book but realized I didn’t leave space for the width of the bends in the spine and flaps. After adjusting my measurements and adding more space for the folds the dust jacked fit perfectly.